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'Let your Light Shine' Matthew 5:16


Statement of Intent

 “Art enables us to find ourselves and lose ourselves at the same time.” – Thomas Merton

The intent of our Art offer is to provide a curriculum which is accessible to all and that is rich with opportunities, stimulating creativity and imagination. It provides visual and tactile experiences and enables children to communicate what they see, feel and think through the use of colour, texture, form, pattern and different materials and processes.

As a result of this, every pupil will:

Develop creativity and imagination through a range of experiences

Develop their own ideas for use in their work

Develop the ability to control materials, tools and techniques

Develop increasing confidence in the use of visual and tactile elements and materials

Think critically and develop a more rigorous understanding of art and design and know how art and design both reflect and shape our history, and contribute to the culture, creativity and wealth of our nation

Become proficient in drawing, painting, sculpture and other art, craft and design techniques

Evaluate and analyse creative works using the language of art, craft and design

Know about great artists and understand the historical and cultural development of their art form Our intent aims to encourage children to explore ideas and meanings through the work of a range of artists.

Through exploration of the roles and functions of art, they can discover the impact it has on life today and that of different times and cultures. We endeavour that all our pupils have an appreciation and enjoyment of how the visual arts enrich all of our lives

Grow in the school values of Love, Respect and Resilience through their exploration of the art of others and their own




We teach the National Curriculum and the EYFS framework, supported by a clear skills and knowledge progression. This ensures that skills and knowledge are built on year by year and sequenced appropriately to maximise learning for all children. It is important that the children develop progressive skills of a designer and critique throughout their time at Grove CE primary School and do not just learn about the work of others. Through the following, we aim to provide a rich and broad experience in the study of Design and Technology.


Planning and Lesson

From the long-term overview, teachers will plan a sequence of lessons using skills and progression. Teachers aim to provide a cross-curricular approach, where possible, to develop a deeper understanding and a ‘real life’ scenario to the project. Lessons are planned using a range of technical skills and enquiry which builds on the previous year’s learning. Pupils are encouraged to learn from famous designers and take inspiration from them and the world around them. In developing their design and technology skills, we present projects in the form of a question to spark intrigue.



We ensure that every pupil, regardless of SEN(D) or ability, is able to participate in projects and access the curriculum. The hands-on experiences help pupils to build up their design and technology skills independently rather than simply learning from observation. For example, from a young age we expect our pupils to be safely cutting up wood and food using age appropriate tools with just teacher supervision and modelling.


Assessment: FS Pupils are assessed against the EYFS Framework. Pupils in years 1-6 are assessed against the criteria in our progression and skills document. Pupils are assessed using the following criteria: B=Working well below the age-related expectations; WTS= Working towards the age-related expectations; ARE= Working at age-related expectations and GD= working at greater depth (above the age-related expectations)



By the time our pupils leave us in Year 6, we aim for them to have;

Gained knowledge of famous artists and critiqued their work

Developed a repertoire of Art and Design skills, knowledge and understanding

Gained a solid understanding of how they can express their own opinions and feelings through art

Learnt to plan, create and evaluate their own project


Art Curriculum Progression
