Our Vision:
Let Your light shine - Matthew 5-16
Together we let our lights shine.
Our caring and stimulating environment is rooted in love, respect and resilience.
As we grow, we encourage ambition and celebrate achievement.
Our light shines brighter and brighter for our community supported by the creative, forgiving, and nurturing love of God.
Our school vision was updated and changed in 2020. All stakeholders were consulted and the agreed strapline became 'Let your Light Shine.'
In 2022 a new Headteacher was appointed and there was an acute focus on the vision becoming embedded into the life of the school. Matthew 5: 16 was extended and now includes Matthew 5:14-16. This was because the schools ethos included recognising the children and adults as role models who could guide and support others. The vision is broken into 3 parts the first being about leadership and leadership development for the benefit of the children - Together we let our lights shine, the second being about a learning environment focus - Our caring and stimulating environment is rooted in love, respect and resilience. As we grow we encourage ambition and celebrate achievement, and a community focus - Our light shines brighter and brighter for our community supported by the creative, forgiving and nurturing love of God.
Our Values:
We care for each other
We care about everyone
We care for the world
We care for ourselves
Together we let our lights shine
How our Vision and Values link to ODST Vision 'A Common Vision for the Common Good.'
"Let your light shine" is how we have chosen to make ODST's vision relevant to our school community. Although the words might sound like they are directed at an individual, we work hard to make the children understand that the sentence is plural possessive and that the light of everyone in the school is our shared responsibility. This is encapsulated in our school song that builds to the conclusion, "We are a city on a hill, we are a light in the darkness, Jesus living in us can change the world."
Spirituality What is Spiritual development? Spiritual development differs from person to person and is a very personal experience. For this reason, it is difficult to put into words. Spirituality concerns a person’s relationship with themselves, with others, with nature and the environment and with God (or the transcendent). Spirituality is not the same as having a religion or faith; a person can be spiritual without having a particular faith. We recognise that we all have a spiritual dimension to our existence. |  |
The four elements – these consist of:
- Awareness of feelings; ability to reflect and express
- Awareness of our uniqueness; happiness with who we are
- Gratitude for the things we have and the person we are
- Exploration of personal faith
- Development of imagination and creativity
- Empathy and understanding; respect
- To love and be loved (caring)
- Developing a sense of awe and wonder
- Enjoying the miracles of everyday life
- Taking time for what really matters
- Appreciating beauty in art, music, nature
Transcendence (Beyond)
- Encountering/experiencing God (having a sense of what lies beyond the material/physical)
- Ability to ask and discuss the ‘Big Questions’ (eg about life, death, suffering, nature of God)
- Opportunities for prayer and reflection, connecting with God
- Making sense of the world
How we aim to nurture spirituality
Children’s spiritual development is nurtured through all aspects of our provision. We believe it is important to develop strong relationships using our school Vision and Values as well as the development of knowledge, concepts, skills and attitudes. We give children opportunities to:
- Have regular time in the day for quiet and reflection. This might be listening to a story, lighting the candles in worship, listening to music, the reflection for the day, use of the reflection areas around school or the prayers said throughout the day.
- Have opportunities for creativity and using their imagination.
- Sing in lessons and as part of our worship.
- Explore, express, share and compare feelings and opinions. This is planned into all subjects across our curriculum, but it is more focused within our PSHE/ RSE lessons, where we use the SCARF scheme, worship and RE lessons. Other structures such as Space Makers, Zones of Regulation, Restorative Justice including our WARM approach to reconciliation, Mindfulness, our Pillars of Learning and recognition boards are used to support this further.
- Constantly reaffirm the importance of relationships. How we talk to and relate with each other is fundamental.
- Express awe and wonder, appreciate beauty in all its forms, and appreciate the connections and unity in the world.
- Encourage each other to admit mistakes and to rectify them. Recognising and owning up to faults is an important process that allows us to heal and grow from our experiences.
- Encourage everyone to show care, kindness and compassion, and to express these in practical ways. (eg: how we treat each other every day; charitable works; through prayer spaces)
- Explore the ‘Big Questions’ – particularly through our RE curriculum, worship, news events and through nurture sessions.
- Read often, giving them opportunities to discuss and reflect. This includes both secular and religious texts, in particular the Bible.
- Begin to develop their own system of beliefs, which may or may not include religious beliefs.
- Reflect on the situations of others through role play or stories.
Structures to support and develop spirituality
- Opportunities are planned across our curriculum.
- We have developed Reflection Journals to show the developing reflection and spirituality across the school.
- We have a planned programme for Collective Worship across the school. Themes are planned for the year, based on our School Values, the Diocesan plans and Picture News resource. Worship also involves British Values and is flexible enough to respond to World events.
- There is a daily act of Collective Worship taking different forms, and involving a variety of staff, our Worship Leaders, other children and a range of visitors including our local Vicar.
- Displays and pictures around the school continually celebrate and encourage reflection and spirituality. We have our large tree in the hall and these are replicated in our class reflection spaces. This image reminds us that we are rooted in our school values of love, respect and resilience, we learn and grow through our school rules: be kind, be respectful, be our best, and leave Grove - letting our lights shine. This image was created by the children and is replicated in our outdoor reflection space in the form of a large sculpture.
- Visits and visitors support all our work including visitors from other faiths. We visit our local church regularly and to celebrate significant Christian events.
- Space maker activities are used weekly in classes and linked to our Zones of Regulation.
- We give opportunities for pupils to perform at our annual dance festival and at our May Fair and give Year 1, 2, 4 and 6 opportunities to perform productions to parents and those in the local community.
- Our behaviour policy, which include our school rules, values and approach to reconciliation.
Impact: how do we know this is being effective?
Spiritually has helped to develop the children’s love and acceptance of themselves and helps them enjoy good relationships with each other. They take an interest and delight in the world around them and are open to what lies beyond the material (this may manifest itself in faith/belief in God). They are able to express and understand feelings, as well as respect those of others. They have a strong moral sense. They are able to enjoy quiet and stillness, they possess an active imagination, can ask questions and show joy in creativity and discovering new skills.
What is the Role of the School Community?
All members of the school community have a responsibility for helping to nurture children’s spiritual development.
School staff can do this through:
- Establishing and maintaining a partnership between children, parents and staff; recognising and respecting the faith background of the children and their families.
- Understanding and considering the needs and backgrounds of each individual child.
- Using our School Vision and Values to be positive role models within the community- promoting respect for other people and their views, showing consideration for and support towards others.
- Drawing on the experiences of children and their families to support teaching and learning across the curriculum, including RE lessons.
- Being willing to develop their own knowledge and understanding of the Christian faith and the faiths of others.
- Taking part in, and supporting, Collective Worship.
- Having a positive attitude to the value of spiritual education.
Children can do this through:
- Respecting the views and beliefs of others and demonstrating acceptance and awareness.
- Using our School Vision and Values to help themselves and others to learn.
- Taking an active part in Collective Worship.
- Being active learners within lessons to enable them to engage with and develop the skills needed to enable them to fulfil their God given potential.
- Participating in learning that allows them to engage in examination of and reflection upon a range of religious belief and practice.
- Make use of reflection spaces in classes and outside.
- Contribute to reflective journals.
Parents and Governors can help through:
- Adopting a positive attitude to the value of spiritual education.
- Supporting the school’s Christian ethos and acts of community worship.
- Respecting the views and beliefs of others and demonstrating acceptance and awareness.