Home Page
'Let your Light Shine' Matthew 5:16

Maple (Year 2)

Maple Class

Maple is our Year 2 class, for children aged between 6 and 7.

Our class teachers are Mrs Jenkins and Mrs Elgar.

Our Teaching Assistant for maths is Ms Simeone.

For updates of what we have been learning, news and photographs, log in to our Class Dojo page.


We love reading!

If you would like to buy a book for Maple Class rather than sweets for your child's birthday, or are looking for recommendations, you can visit The Reader Teacher.


Username= first name

No password needed

Star Code 10015685

Phonics, Reading and

Maths fact practice

Username = first name,

no password needed.

Password: jog-bed-cat

Create a pictogram

Create a chart


Home learning: If your child is away from school for a period of time, here is 2 weeks worth of work for them to do at home.

Activities to support your child with worries

Remember online safety is paramount


If you need any support in how to keep your children safe online, you can contact any of the following services (click on the words to follow a link). 




CEOP (Child Exploitation and Online Protection)
