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'Let your Light Shine' Matthew 5:16

Chestnut (Year 4)

Chestnut Class

Chestnut is our Year 4 class, for children aged between 8 and 9.


The school day starts at 8.35 when the gates open, children come into class via the playground door to the classroom, they will leave at 3.15 via the same door. 

Our class teachers are Miss Gresty Monday and Tuesday and Mrs Millward Wednesday to Friday. 



2023-24 Curriculum overview



Survey link

Username= first name

Username and password = same as for Times Table Rock Stars


Spring Term 2024


Homework will be handed out on a Thursday and will be due in the following Wednesday. This term we will be asking children to continue with daily reading, logging in their reading diaries as well as completing two soundchecks on Times Table Rockstars' each week. 



Reading diaries are checked each Wednesday, children's records of their reading are tallied up towards the reading awards based on one reading comment each day. Children are able to change their books as needed in Year 4, they are expected to have one book banded reading book (these should be from a numbered box in class) and one free reading book from the class or school library. 

Activities to support your child with worries

Remember to stay safe online.


If you need help you can contact any of the following services (click on the words to follow a link)




CEOP (Child Exploitation and Online Protection)
