Religious Education at Grove Church of England Primary
Revised 2022
Religious Education has a unique place as a central subject in the curriculum of Grove CE Primary School. It is neither a core nor a foundation subject; the 1988 Education Act states that ‘Religious Education has equal standing in relation to core subjects of the National Curriculum in that it is compulsory for all registered pupils’.
RE plays an important role in expressing the Christian vision of the school ‘to let your light shine.’. RE reflects the ethos and values that are held and promotes understanding of people of all faiths and none.
Through our Religious Education Curriculum, we aim to ensure all children ‘let their light shine’ by:
The Legal Position
Every maintained school in England must provide a basic curriculum (RE, sex education and the National Curriculum). This includes provision for RE for all registered pupils at the school, except for those withdrawn by their parents (see paragraph below). RE is therefore taught in accordance with the Oxfordshire Agreed Syllabus, while also reflecting the requirements of the Statement of Entitlement for Religious Education published by the Education Office of the Church of England in February 2019. The statutory section 48 (SIAMS) inspection will evaluate the way that RE contributes to the Christian character of the school and the teaching of RE will reflect this requirement.
The RE curriculum at Grove CE Primary School, follows the Oxfordshire Agreed Syllabus, using both the ODBE scheme of learning and the Understanding Christianity scheme. Christianity is taught in every year group, with key concepts revisited on a spiral curriculum. At least 50% of the time is devoted to Christianity. We have strong links with our local Church in Grove, St John’s, and use these for supporting the teaching of aspects of Christianity. Other religions are covered according to the syllabus; eg Judaism and Islam in KS1, Hinduism, Sikhism and Islam in KS2.
The total time for RE is between 5% and 10%, and it is taught in dedicated lessons as appropriate. The time dedicated to RE is separate from the time given to Collective Worship. In KS1 this will amount to approximately 36 hours per year; in KS2 this rises to 45 hours per year.
RE is taught using an enquiry-based approach, that is challenging and robust. Learning will be organised to encourage the development of attitudes such as self-awareness, respect for all, open-mindedness, appreciation and wonder, as well as providing opportunities to engage appropriately with Fundamental British Values. All faiths are treated respectfully, and opportunities will be made to engage in age-appropriate, meaningful discussion. Where possible pupils will encounter believers and visit places of worship.
A variety of resources, styles, and techniques will be used as appropriate to enable all children to make progress in RE regardless of their starting points, ability or background. Please refer to the school’s policies for:
Assessment procedures will follow those of the Oxfordshire Agreed Syllabus and be in accordance with other assessment and feedback procedures in the school. Pupils will engage in a variety of activities which will also enable teachers to assess what they have learnt. Records kept will include information about pupils’ experiences and judgements about their attainment and progress, as well as being used to inform planning. Lessons are planned and delivered in a variety of ways ensuring that all children can access and participate in lessons. Interactive, practical activities encourage the children to discuss their ideas and extend their understanding of difficult concepts and challenging questions.
Pupils’ progress in RE is based on the expected outcomes outlined in the Agreed Syllabus and in Understanding Christianity, which in turn have been developed in line with national guidance. Progress in RE is reported annually to parents and has a prominent position in the end of year report.
Religious Education at Grove develops pupils’:
Religious Education at Grove encourages pupils to:
Religious Education at Grove enhances pupils’:
Our RE Curriculum
Our RE curriculum is currently under review but is currently being taught as indicated below.
EYFS RE | ||||
| Knowledge | Skills | Key Vocabulary |
Year R Term 1 UC UF1– (God & Creation) Why is the word God so important to Christians? God’s creation and what the Bible says, (Core)
| Know that Christians believe that:
| God Creator Universe Christian/s name giver
Year R Term 2 UC UF2 - (Incarnation) Why do Christians perform nativity plays at Christmas? How Christmas is celebrated in society and church? How do we celebrate birthdays and Jesus’ birthday? (Core)
Festivals of Light Diwali, Hannukah, Advent | Know that Christians believe that:
| earth Jesus human
| Knowledge | Skills | Vocabulary |
Year R Term 3 UC UF1 – (God & Creation) How can we care for our wonderful world? (Digging Deeper)
| Know that Christians believe that:
| World
Year R Term 4 UC UF3 – (Salvation) Why do Christians put a cross in an Easter garden? Palm Sunday and other key events in Holy Week, acknowledging wrong doing (Core) | Know that Christians believe that:
| Save Easter remember last |
| Knowledge | Skills | Vocabulary |
Year R Term 5 UC UF2 – (Incarnation) What makes every person unique and precious? The life of Jesus and his relationship with children, stories about lost and found e.g. the Lost Sheep, (Digging Deeper) | Know that Christians believe that:
| precious special
Year R Term 6 UC UF3 – (Salvation) How can we help others when they need it? Good Samaritan story and the concepts of forgiveness, prayer and reflection. (Digging Deeper)
| Know that Christians believe that:
Year 1
Year 1 RE | ||||
| Knowledge | Skills | Key Vocabulary |
Year 1 Term 1 UC1.2 (Creation) Who made the world? Genesis 1 and the link between creation and thankfulness (Core)
| Know that Christians believe that:
Year 1 Term 2 UC1.3 (Incarnation) Why does Christmas matter to Christians? The Christmas story simply told and the way people prepare, Advent, linking it to the birth of a child; being thankful at Christmas (Core)
| Know that Christians believe that:
| Knowledge | Skills | Vocabulary |
Year 1 Term 3 ODBE Do we need shared special places? (Judiasim)
Year 1 Term 4 UC1.5 (Salvation) Why does Easter matter to Christians? The Easter story, emotions, meanings and symbols; life after death? (Core)
| Know that Christians believe that:
| Knowledge | Skills | Vocabulary |
Year 1 Term 5 UC1.1 (God) What do Christians believe God is like? Story of the Lost Son, parables, forgiveness and different types of prayer. (Core)
| Know that Christians believe that: • Christians believe in God, and that they find out about God in the Bible. • Christians believe God is loving, kind, fair and forgiving, and also Lord and King. • Some stories show these Christian beliefs. • Christians worship God and try to live in ways that please him. | Identify what a parable is.
Year 1 Term 6 UC1.4 (Gospel) What is the Good news Jesus brings? The lives of the people for whom Jesus was good news; friendship, forgiveness and peace; Matthew the Tax Collector, use of sacred places, Baptism. (Core)
| Know that Christians believe that:
Year 2
Year 2 RE | ||||
| Knowledge | Skills | Key Vocabulary |
Year 2 Term 1 UC1.1 (God) What do Christians believe God is like? Story of Jonah; description and character of God leading to worship (Digging Deeper)
| Know that Christians believe that:
• Christians believe God is loving, kind, fair and forgiving, and also Lord and King. • Some stories show these Christian beliefs. • Christians worship God and try to live in ways that please him. |
| God Jonah Nineveh Fish Storm Rhyme Rhythm Repetition Lyrics Hymns
Year 2 Term 2 ODBE Y2:U2 Do religious symbols mean the same to everyone?
Christianity/Judaism/Symbols/Christmas |
| Tallit Tefillin Kippuah Deuteronomy Vicah Cross Vestment Cross Candle Fish lamb star halo crib vine cup bread |
| Knowledge | Skills | Vocabulary |
Year 2 Term 3 UC1.4 (Gospel) What is the Good news Jesus brings? The Lord’s Prayer and other prayers for thanksgiving; what matters most and the parable of the Pearl of Great Price (Digging Deeper)
| Know that Christians believe that:
| Parable Trust Prayer Bible Thanksgiving Lord’s prayer |
Year 2 Term 4 UC1.5 (Salvation) Why does Easter matter to Christians? Easter – but with the additions of the cleansing of the temple, Last supper and trial with a focus on forgiveness, introducing the word ‘sin’. (Digging Deeper)
| Know that Christians believe that:
| Easter Last supper Temple Last supper Gethsemane Cross Judas Disciples |
| Knowledge | Skills | Vocabulary |
Year 2 Term 5 UC1.2 (Creation) Who made the world? God as creator and the need to care for the world; rest and Shabbat (Digging Deeper)
| Know that Christians believe that:
| Genesis Creation Relationship Human beings Unique
Year 2 Term 6 ODBE Y1/2: What do Muslims learn from stories about Muhammad?
| Muhammed Prophet Allah (written halla) Messenger Community Islam
Year 3
Year 3 RE | ||||
| Knowledge | Skills | Key Vocabulary |
Year 3 Term 1 UC 2a.1 (Creation/Fall) What do Christians learn from the creation story? (Core)
| • God the Creator cares for the creation, including human beings. • As human beings are part of God’s good creation, they do best when they listen to God. • The Bible shows that God wants to help people to be close to him — he keeps his relationship with them, gives them guidelines on good ways to live (such as the Ten Commandments). • [Building block from EYFS: Christians believe God made our wonderful world and so we should look after it.] |
| creation tempt disobedient Commandment forgiveness |
Year 3 Term 2 ODBE Y3U2: Is light a good symbol for celebrations? Hindu/Christianity /Judaism/ Advent/Divali/ Chanukah OxS
| Divali/ Diwali Hannukah/ Chanukah symbol festival celebration guide |
| Knowledge | Skills | Vocabulary |
Year 3 Term 3 UC 2a.2 (People of God) What is it like to follow God? (Core)
| Bible book chapter verse Old and New Testament promise covenant trust obedience |
Year 3 Term 4 ODBE Y3U4: Does understanding Passover make Easter more meaningful? OxS
Judaism/Christianity/ Freedom |
| Holy Week Passover Exodus plague symbol |
| Knowledge | Skills | Vocabulary |
Year 3 Term 5 UC 2a.3 (Incarnation / God) What is the Trinity? (Core)
| Gospel Baptism Trinity prayer blessing Grace Father, Son, Holy Spirit symbol metaphor |
Year 3 Term 6 ODBE Y3U6: Can made-up stories tell the truth? OxS (Christianity) |
| parable disciple message metaphor truth |
Year 4
Year 4 RE | ||||
| Knowledge | Skills | Key Vocabulary |
Year 4 Term 1 UC 2a.4 (Gospel) What kind of world did Jesus want? (Core)
| Parable Samaritan Charity Christianity Hypocrisy Priest Levite Pharisee Tax Crucifixion Resurrection Disciples Vicar Leprosy
Year 4 Term 2 ODBE Y4U1: Do Murtis help Hindus understand God? Hindu/Art/Symbol/ God OxS
| Brahman Trimurtis Avatars Hindu Deities Ganesh Vishnu Shiva Krishna Ganges Mandir Murtis
| Knowledge | Skills | Vocabulary |
Year 4 Term 3 ODBE Y4U3: Does a holy journey benefit the individual or the community of believers? Hindu/Christianity/ Pilgrimage/Community
| Pilgrimage Worship Memphis Elvis Sacrifice Journey Pilgrims Hindu Magi
Year 4 Term 4 UC 2a.5 (Salvation) Why do Christians call the day Jesus died ‘Good Friday’? (Core) |
| Salvation Creation Incarnation Resurrection Palm cross Crucifix Holy week Good Friday Disciples Clergy Last supper Communion Unleavened Maundy |
| Knowledge | Skills | Vocabulary |
Year 4 Term 5 UC 2a.6 (Kingdom of God) When Jesus left, what was the impact of Pentecost? (Core)
| Pentecost Resurrection Fruit of the spirit |
Year 4 Term 6 ODBE Y4U6: Does prayer change things? Christianity/Hindu/Prayer OxS |
| Prayer Sin Salvation Miracle Hindu Meditation Contemplation Confession Intercession Supplication Adoration Thanksgiving
Year 5
Year 5 RE | ||||
| Knowledge | Skills | Key Vocabulary |
| Year 5 Term 1 UC 2b.1 (God) What does it mean if God is holy and loving? (Core)
| Omnipotent Omniscient Eternal Sin Injustice forgiveness |
Year 5 Term 2 UC 2b.4 (Incarnation) Was Jesus the Messiah? Exile of the people of Israel and their expectations of messiah; messianic prophecies and how the church understands and communicates the meaning of Christmas. (Core) |
| Judaism Resurrection Anoint Messiah Saviour Exile Prophecy
| |
| Knowledge | Skills | Vocabulary | |
Year 5 Term 3 ODBE Y5U3: Does the community of the Mosque hep Muslims live better lives? Islam/Sacred Places/Mosque OxS
| Islam Ummah Mosque Imam Shahada Salat Zakat Sawm Hajj Call to prayer | |
HajjYear 5 Term 4 UC 2b.6 (Salvation) What did Jesus do to save human beings? Stations of the cross, death of Jesus as sacrifice; link to communion/Eucharist; resurrection, martyrs, self-sacrifice. (Core) |
| Eucharist Death Resurrection Sacrifice Sin Victory Holy Communion Eucharist Salvation Gospel Last Supper Mass Passover | |
| Knowledge | Skills | Vocabulary | |
Year 5 Term 5 UC 2b.5 (Gospel) What would Jesus do? The greatest commandments, Wise and foolish builders, sermon on the mount and the healing of the centurion's servant; how to make the world a better place; foundations for living, prayer, ill-health, reconciliation and generosity. (Core)
| Commandments Sermon Parables
| |
| Year 5 Term 6 ODBE Y5U6: How far does religion help people decide what’s best for our world? OxS Christianity/Islam/Charity /Zakat
| Sikhism Devotion Charity Seva Gurdwara
Discrimination Guru Granth Sahib Inequality
Year 6
Year 6 RE | ||||
| Knowledge | Skills | Key Vocabulary |
| Year 6 Term 1 UC 2b.2 (Creation/Fall) Creation & Science: conflicting or complimentary? (Core)
Year 6 Term 2 UC 2b.3 (People of God) How can following God bring Freedom and Justice? 8 key events from the life of Moses – Exodus and the 10 commandments; Jesus as instigator of a new covenant between people and God. Charities working for freedom and justice. (Core)
| |
| Knowledge | Skills | Vocabulary | |
Year 6 Term 3 UC 2b.7(Salvation) What difference does the resurrection male to Christians? Evidence for the resurrection and the key events of the 3 days between crucifixion and the resurrection. Church worship on Easter Sunday. (Core) |
| |
Year 6 Term 4 Why and how do many believers express their beliefs visually? OxS
| |
| Knowledge | Skills | Vocabulary | |
Year 6 Term 5 UC 2b.8 (Kingdom of God) What kind of King is Jesus? The Lord’s Prayer; parables of the feast and the vineyard; how the church tries to live out the Kingdom of God and the difference it makes to the world not just to Christian communities. (Core) |
| |
| Year 6 Term 6 Does it matter what we believe about creation? OxS
Multi faith/ Creation/Care for the world |