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'Let your Light Shine' Matthew 5:16

Governor Information

Welcome to our Governors’ section. 

Please find the Terms of Office below which details how our Governing body is structured, including the names, categories, responsibilities and terms of appointment for each Governor.  We have also provided a Register of Governor Business Interests for your information.


Our Co-Chairs of Governors are Andrew Shapland and Nicholas Cheeseman, and they can be contacted in writing via the school office or by email:



Each member academy has its own Local Governing Body. At Grove our LGB currently is:

  • Donna Blake - Staff Governor (Head Teacher)
  • Alecia Leon - Staff Governor
  • Nicholas Cheeseman  – Foundation Governor (Co-chair)
  • Andrew Shapland - Parent Governor (Co-chair)
  • Paul Greaves - Community Governor
  • Colin Moulds Foundation Governor
  • Frankie Kimmins- Parent Governor
  • Jonathan Chitty - Parent Governor


Our Governing Body meets once each term, and we have two committees for Performance & Standards, and Resources.


Governance Structure

Our Governors provide strategic leadership and accountability in our school. Governors appoint the Headteacher and Deputy Headteacher. It is governors who hold senior leaders to account for the performance of the school and, working with the Headteacher, make the sometimes difficult decisions about balancing resources.

ODST has a Board of Trustees which oversees the work of the Trust including the effectiveness of Local Governing Bodies.
Our Local Governing Body meets up to six times a year. Every governor attends these meetings and is a member of one of our two sub-Committees, both of which meet circa five times a year.

The Performance and Standards Committee monitors the progress and attainment of pupils in the school. They also look at the quality of teaching and learning in the school and ensure that the leadership team are measuring the performance of teachers in line with the school's policy and targets.

The Resources Committee ensures that the school uses its resources to achieve best value, thereby supporting the learning of all our students. This Committee is also responsible for Health and Safety, Premises and Staffing.


If you are interested in becoming a governor, please see the Headteacher or contact the school office to make an appointment to meet with the Chair of Governors. Our governors come from different backgrounds and jobs and bring their skills and experiences to the Governing Body. 

Governor Strategic Goals


  • Leadership, accountability and ownership of progress is appropriately and effectively shared across the school community.
  • High quality teaching and learning leads to optimal progress for all pupils whatever their abilities and needs.
  • We are creating a school that is a beacon in the community.

Governor Constitution
